Saturday, March 19, 2016

WINNER’s “Reply 1988” Parody Is Going VIRAL In Korea For Making Fans Laugh

Image: YG Entertainment

Netizens rave over group WINNER’s ‘Reply 1988’ parody that is just too funny
Like how group BIG BANG did a parody for drama ‘Secret Garden’ in the past, group WINNER did a parody for recently ended drama ‘Reply 1988.’
Originally posted on Pann, netizens rave over WINNER’s parody of drama ‘Reply 1988.’
Titled “Ah F*ck This is Too Funny Hahahaha,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.
“I saw this WINNER parody of ‘Reply 1988’ on Facebook during class but I couldn’t help but crack up since it was just too funny hahahahahahahahaahahahaahahaahhaahahahahaahah They fit the characters so well hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
Please refer other funny similar things to me hahahahahaahaha”

Netizen reactions:
[ +208 / -37] Watch the best sexy direct cam here:
[ +180 / -1] Why do I always think of this first when I hear drama parodies hahahahahhahah
Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 5.46.55 PM
[ +115 / -6] Haha I’ll also suggest this parody from WINNER Tv hahahaahahahaahahah Nam Taehyun’s acting to make people laugh is really crazy hahahahaahah so funny here is the link: 

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