Monday, March 28, 2016

Netizens SICKENED By Sulli’s Latest Photos And Videos On Instagram

Image: "CeCi"

Sulli’s recent Instagram posts are worrying and sickening fans at the same time
Former f(x) member Sulli has always been criticized for not being cautious on her Instagram posts. But are her recent posts worrying and sickening fans at the same time?
Originally posted on Pann, netizens criticize Sulli for her alleged “sexual” and “inappropriate” posts via Instagram.
Titled “I Think Sulli Is Going Crazy….,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.
“I’m a huge fan of Sulli…. I have been following her Instagram.
But I really have nothing to say anymore.. T_T
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Am I the only one shocked by her posts..?
She is ALREADY being harassed by people sexually…
I think she has gone crazy and enjoying hateful comments towards her.”
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“I see something in the left of the photo…”
“Please take this photo down, you are getting criticized a lot on Facebook T_T_T”
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Netizen reactions:
[ +146 / -11] There isn’t a problem eating whip cream but if you watch the video, it looks as if she is reinacting some adult videos. How much does she like whip cream that she is posting a video about it? I know delusional fans are always protecting her but Sulli is probably enjoying all this. She is purposefully intending sexual acts to provoke fans. If you see Sulli’s old posts, they were so innocent… Choiza is responsible for this
[ +109 / 0] So true… Sulli has always been criticized for her old posts already but she still posts these things despite the fact that people are very sensitive towards her… Tsk
[ +92 / -3] I know some can think she is just eating it but I know for a fact that she was thinking that this post would get criticism and misunderstanding from fans and viewers. She is ALREADY being criticized for sexual posts.
[ +23 / -11] F*cking Choiza

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