Sunday, March 27, 2016

Fans Defend Red Velvet After Photo Of Inappropriate Wedding Attire Goes VIRAL In Korea

SM Entertainment

After all the criticisms bashing Red Velvet for their inappropriate attire, a number of netizens posted a detailed explanation in support of the singers.
On March 1st, a new post on Pann garnered attention as a fan tried to detail the reasons why Red Velvet, member Irene in particular, wore white and posed right next to the bride at a wedding. According to the post, the photo was a separate shot taken just for staff members of SM Entertainment and was not included in the official pictures of the couple and their guests.
It also added that Red Velvet attended as guests of the groom and were only standing on the bride’s side for the unofficial shot. The post further listed more evidence, including a text message from a guest, showing that the photo in particular was a separate shot with the celebrities only.
The post was published in response to recent criticisms of Red Velvet allegedly not following dress code by wearing white at a wedding.
Netizen reactions:
[ +292 / -58] How would kids who haven’t gone to many weddings know what to dress… Look around if there aren’t anyone wearing white blouses at weddings… It is a common thing… Irene didn’t think she would be featured in main photo
[ +235 / -23] I thought it was weird at first but how is a photo not blurring faces of husband and wife floating around hahahaa This photo was just taken amongst celebrities
[ +221 / -22] I heard this was just a photo amongst members and staffs… I feel bad for Irene who is getting all the blame.

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