Friday, March 25, 2016

Netizens are amazed by the patriotic poem BTS' Rap Monster wrote at age 12

A patriotic poem written by BTS' Rap Monster at the age of 12 is quite amazing. 

Recently, a poem titled 'Korean Peninsula Tiger, and Unification', was revealed online. Underneath the title it read, 'Baek Shin Elementary 5th grade- class 5 Kim Nam Joon.' The poet is revealed to be Rap Monster, who is now one of the hottest idol rappers in the industry. The amazing poem written by the 12 year old Rap Monster reads as follows. 

Korean Peninsula Tiger, and Unification

Not a small rabbit but
a scary tiger. 

scratch is made on the tiger's waist. 

Hurt on the waist
one tiger continues to suffer.

China, and Japan, and United States
all looked down on us, and said we are not a tiger but only a small rabbit.

But the day when the scratch on the tiger's waist washes away
the world will not be able to look down on us.

South will be like the north,
North will be like the south,

The day when the two colors on the Korean flag
unite and become purple,

70 million citizens 
will become one 
and look up to the sky with hands together, 

That day will come one day. 

Marching one step by step 
to the place called unification

We are not a small rabbit but
one brave tiger. 

To a place where we are under one sky even in different places.

The poem uses a tiger in a metaphoric way to describe Korea. The quality and meaning behind the writing has many netizens shocked in amazement. Compliments took over the web, "Really a 5th grader? Dang, better than a high schooler", "BTS always seems to have great interest in history, nation, and society. There is so much you can learn from listening to their music", "Crazy. His grammar is better than my older brother", "The poem is so well written. How can he write like that? I showed this to my parents and they clapped kekeke," and more. 

Rap Monster is indeed one talented writer. This explains his amazing skills as a rapper!

 Are you impressed by Rap Monster's piece of art?

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