Thursday, March 17, 2016

WINNER’s recent concert a FAILURE?

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WINNER recently hosted two concerts in Seoul, South Korea the past weekend. However, many netizens who attended the concert claim that the concert was a failure backed up with photo evidence.
Originally posted on Pann, netizens discuss whether WINNER’s recent concert was a failure or not.
Titled “Shocking Failure of WINNER’s Concert,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.
“They put a tent over the seats because they were all empty.
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Translation: “Look at all the seats.. Looks like teeth have fallen out here and there T_T”
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They didn’t remove the tent until the end.
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Since all of the standing seats weren’t sold… they made it seats instead hahaScreen Shot 2016-03-17 at 5.07.09 PM
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 Translation: “These are the tickets for YG WINNER’s concert tomorrow at 6 PM and Olympic Gymnastics Hall. I have 4. They all cost around 77,000 Won ($60 USD) each. I want to trade for fruits that I can eat with my friends~ ^^”
Even with giving out many invitation tickets, they couldn’t even fill the stadium ^^.”
Netizen reactions:
[ +181 / -50] Yes due to their failed concert, they were able to donate 100 million won (around $80,000 USD). They had an hiatus for about a year and a half which led to many fans leaving. Which groups can donate that much despite these facts?
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[ +159 / -29] But do you know what? Out of their EXIT album, they have only released E and they will be doing a reality program together. Stop posting the same post more than once. You guys are just insecure that WINNER might become too popular.
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[ +34 / -42] This is a huge failure. Right at about YG’s level.

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