Thursday, March 10, 2016

Former KARA members to meet again!

Former KARA members Nicole and Seungyeon are to reunite again! Yes that's right guys former members from KARA are suppose to meet up again at KCON in Japan. Now I don't know if it's just me but I was ecstatic too hear this like I may or may have dropped my phone when I saw this on the news, oops? But moving on this will be the first time in a while these members will be seen together after the tearful breakup of KARA. 

Many people assume that they may be in bad terms but it is not true so don't fret. Although the group is no longer together they still do talk and meet like old friends so don't worry I won't break your heart over this. Although it may be a very exciting reunion for fans it may be a little awkward for these two young ladies considering all the drama that came with the disbandment of KARA.  

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