Monday, March 28, 2016

Netizens SICK And TIRED Of Secret Hyosung’s OVER-Sexualized Concepts

Image: SECRET Hyosung / TS Entertainment

Secret‘s Hyosung recently made a solo comeback with her latest song “Find Me,” which was promoted as a classy twist to her usual sexy concept.
Upon watching the music video for the song, however, netizens claimed that the TS Entertainment singer is as over-sexualized as ever. In addition to criticizing the singer for continuing to emphasize her glamorous body, netizens also expressed their desire to see Secret come back as a group.
Netizen reactions:
[ +1245 / -42] Whatever.. But I wonder what other members of SECRET are doing these days
[ +889 / -85] Some time ago, she was claiming her concept was good and that there are not that many revealing scenes. But it turns out her concept is the same again taking her clothes off and grabbing her boobs together again..
[ +1119 / -174] Elegant???? Is this a word I don’t fully understand??? This is not elegantly sexy.
[ +719 / -58] You call grabbing you boobs together in the middle ‘elegantly’ sexy?
[ +207 / -16] She claimed on ‘Saturday Night Live’ that she didn’t want to get popular with her boobs… But again…. She is trying to gain fans through revealing her boobs, thighs and other areas…
[ +253 / -38] This is an example celebrity that proves that even if you try to gain male fans, you can’t make it in the industry without female fans

SISTAR’s Hyorin spotted rushing for late entrance at fashion event

Starship Entertainment

With celebrities often having packed schedules causing them to be late to certain events,SISTAR’s Hyorin seems like she was able to handle it realistically and in style. Rather than strutting to a recent event fashionably late, however, SISTAR‘s Hyorin showed incredible manners by rushing as fast as she could to make it on time. With fans and the media present to witness this sudden rush at Seoul Fashion Week, the singer received praises for her manners and athleticism.
The photos immediately circulated online and garnered numerous responses for realistic approach to the  event turn-out.
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Netizen reactions:
[+ 673, – 13] That’s what every celebrity should be like when they’re late. Being late isn’t something so shameless that you can walk in with your head held up high. Those people are just wrong
[+ 597, – 6] Holy look at those muscles
[+ 549, – 8] She looks like she seriously works out she could apply for the muscle queen competition~~

Netizens Claim Yoona Looks Like A GRANDMA On The Verge Of STARVATION

Girls' Generation's Yoona

Although many expressed their admiration for Yoona‘s incredible visuals during Seoul Fashion Week, not everyone agreed that she looked great. 
In fact, after seeing recent photos of the Girls’ Generation member, many netizens claimed that she looks too thin to be healthy, and really needs to put on some weight for her own health. Some netizens are even suggesting that despite being regarded as an elite visual in the industry, the SM Entertainment singer’s visuals are now off-putting due to how thin she’s become.
Netizen reactions:
[ +421 / -383] I know we’re talking about her body here but her face is becoming more unnatural and she is starting to look like a grandma
[ +394 / -296] She looks freaking anorexic T_T
[ +335 / -374] I don’t find her attractive
[ +90 / -53] I know that she is skinny too but she actually looks sick

Hyunseung raises eyebrows when he starts following a rabid 'akgae fan' on Instagram

Things are not looking up for B2ST member Hyunseung, who has been on the receiving end of much flak and scrutiny of late. The idol was caught falling asleep at an interview, absent at certain B2ST promotions, and most recently, rumored to be departing from the group. 
Despite all the negative attention, or maybe because of it, Hyunseung fans have gotten all the more defensive, coming to the idol's rescue from the public's antagonism. One fan in particular, whose identity is known as heaven890903 on Instagram, has been the most supportive of Hyunseung throughout this ordeal. What's even more interesting to note is that Hyunseung has liked the post (now deleted) and started following this person, proof of which was also captured and posted online. 

Though this fan may have the best of intentions, other B2ST fans are not looking too kindly upon the fan mainly because heaven890903 is an akgae (fan of one member, anti-fan of the rest). This rabid fan of Hyunseung went on a tirade on Instagram, some of which was captured by other B2ST fans. 

heaven890903 wrote, "How can they not know. They notified the day before, and the members who started out that evening had all prepared a stage without Hyunseung. In the past, even if they gave notice early on, they would still appear on MR and just leave his empty spot, but this time the other members filled in for him including his dance part. They obviously planned this ahead. They were afraid that fans would cancel so they claimed Hyunseung had a 'personal matter' and notified us the day right before. There is a difference in ticket sales between notifying the day before and notifying well ahead. There is less time for fans to deliberate. [Hyunseung's absence] was planned ahead because he wasn't even in the promotional clip. Cube just didn't notify us. They have a fan meeting in Japan too so Hyunseung can be the one to receive all the criticism. During the Japanese fan meet last year they also notified us on the day of because they wanted to minimize the number of people who canceled. Cube must have thought that the other members could make up for [Hyunseung's absence]. That's why they planned a farewell party which wasn't planned. I dealt with this in the past, and couldn't believe that Cube didn't let fans know in advance. It'll be hard for them to say that something like this didn't happen before. Can you trust the company? Think of all the idols who fell in the hands of companies' bad management. I don't know if he'll renew his contract but what's certain is that they have Hyunseung in the palm of their hands and, because of the antis who are pretending to be fans, they are dealing with the situation in the most hands-off way possible. Tell him to explain on Instagram? Do you think this situation is the same as uploading some sad excuse on Instagram for some stupid thing? He can be absent from future performances. If the company tells him to, he has no choice. If he can't renew his contract, then they'll have to start putting on performances without Hyunseung, and people will take more pity on the remaining members who are working harder to make up for Hyunseung who is absent whenever it strikes his fancy. You were all attacking him just now saying that 'all the other members are suffering because of you.' Why are you blocking your own sight when the whole picture is as clear as day? The re-contracting situation is not the problem between fans and Hyunseung but a problem between the company and Hyunseung. Fans have no right to tell him to do this or that. We don't know what kind of problems there were or what kind of things he went through. Though it's evident that the company has no f**king clue about anything and just wants money. And his contract has yet to be fulfilled so the people are demanding that he leave--are y'all going to pay the sum for his breach of contract?

heaven890903 also left a message of encouragement on Hyunseung's Instagram, writing, "What's most important is that you feel at peace. Everything that was doubtful was all resolved recently. So that's why ㅠㅠ Hyunseung must have had it rough. Don't be so lonely. Surround yourself with people who love you. Don't concern yourself with the fans. The antis are all acting up but they're all bound to leave anyway. When you were promoting as a solo artist, there were many people who said they saw you in a different light. They were the people who saw you for the true you and knew that you'll take flight. Fans of a whole different color will gather once again. No matter how hard they try to bring you down, there will always be those who recognize your talent. Don't be discouraged and think of the people who cheer on the person that you are. Don't feel pressed for time and take it one step at a time. Be loyal to the now and accomplish everything with a level head. Don't worry becausethere are always fans who will support you no matter what decision you make." 

Netizens reactions have been varied on this issue, with comments the likes of, "Thumbs up if you don't like Hyunseung," "I really wish Hyunseung and all his rabid fans would leave already. Just leave. Does Cube not know how to kick out an artist? Other agencies boot artists without any compromises if they cause sort of trouble. Cube should learn from them. And after his attitude controversy, he continued to update his Instagram but was absent in all the B2ST promotions and claimed that he'll not participate in them any longer so why is he promoting as a part of B2ST again? We're thankful when you don't appear. Now just hearing your name makes me stressed and lose affection. It's been a while since B2ST gallery have turned their backs against Hyunseung and most B2UTIES active on B2ST's biggest fan site have done the same. Check the comments for yourself," and, "Who cares~this guy's set for failure. Or did he already fail? All his fans have turned against him lolol must be nice."

Netizens SICKENED By Sulli’s Latest Photos And Videos On Instagram

Image: "CeCi"

Sulli’s recent Instagram posts are worrying and sickening fans at the same time
Former f(x) member Sulli has always been criticized for not being cautious on her Instagram posts. But are her recent posts worrying and sickening fans at the same time?
Originally posted on Pann, netizens criticize Sulli for her alleged “sexual” and “inappropriate” posts via Instagram.
Titled “I Think Sulli Is Going Crazy….,” here is the direct translation of the post and comments below.
“I’m a huge fan of Sulli…. I have been following her Instagram.
But I really have nothing to say anymore.. T_T
Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 3.30.39 PM Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 3.30.45 PM

Am I the only one shocked by her posts..?
She is ALREADY being harassed by people sexually…
I think she has gone crazy and enjoying hateful comments towards her.”
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“I see something in the left of the photo…”
“Please take this photo down, you are getting criticized a lot on Facebook T_T_T”
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Netizen reactions:
[ +146 / -11] There isn’t a problem eating whip cream but if you watch the video, it looks as if she is reinacting some adult videos. How much does she like whip cream that she is posting a video about it? I know delusional fans are always protecting her but Sulli is probably enjoying all this. She is purposefully intending sexual acts to provoke fans. If you see Sulli’s old posts, they were so innocent… Choiza is responsible for this
[ +109 / 0] So true… Sulli has always been criticized for her old posts already but she still posts these things despite the fact that people are very sensitive towards her… Tsk
[ +92 / -3] I know some can think she is just eating it but I know for a fact that she was thinking that this post would get criticism and misunderstanding from fans and viewers. She is ALREADY being criticized for sexual posts.
[ +23 / -11] F*cking Choiza

Netizens praise Lovelyz for professionalism despite stage accident

Lovelyz - Woollim Entertainment

Although idol groups practice for countless hours to perfect their choreography, stage accidents still happen from time to time. 
During a recent event, girl group Lovelyz suffered a minor stage accident when member Jisoo accidentally struck fellow member Jiae during a performance of their song “Ah-Choo.” Because the stage was smaller than the Woollim Entertainment group was used to, the members accidentally clashed during a part of the choreography, shocking both Jisoo and Jiae. After the initial shock, however, the two girls continued to perform the rest of the dance flawlessly, garnering praise from netizens for their professionalism.


Netizen reactions:
[+ 91, – 12] That stage was a disaster with the girls crashing into walls and stuff because the stage was so small ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Moomin’s so cute
[+ 89, – 13] This is funny but so cute
[+ 81, – 8] The two of them are so cute ㅋㅋㅋ ㅎ
[+ 42, – 0] Jisoo looks more surprised ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

BTS ARMY TERRORIZE Hong Jin Young For Allegedly “STEALING” Album Title

Image: Music K Entertainment

Although many fans expressed their love for Hong Jin Young‘s most recent album, not everyone was a fan of her latest release.
In fact, after some ARMYs (fans of male idol group BTS) discovered that the trot singer’s latest mini album was titled “The Most Beautiful Moment In Life” (the same title as BTS’s most recent albums), several fans left comments on the singer’s page on music streaming sites criticizing her for using such a title.
However, many netizens defended artist Hong Jin Young claiming that artist Lee Seunghwan actually used the title for their album long before BTS has. Many netizens gathered to call ARMY immature for terrorizing the poor artist’s album for no good reasons.
“Title ‘The Most Beautiful Moment In Life’ by Hong Jinyoung
ARMY Comments:
[ +5 / -99] ‘She is copying our BTS oppa’s album
[ +3 / -49] ‘This is the same name as BTS’s album.. did she copy them?
[+27 / -367] ‘BTS ‘The Most Beautiful Moment In Life Part 2.’
[ +8 / -16] ‘I was shocked to see this title’
[ +1 / -4] Original song is better
Netizen reactions:
[ +405 / -67] If you search the titles, Lee Seunghwan’s album ‘The Most Beautiful Moment In Life’ came out first so does that mean BTS copied as well? hahahaha This isn’t even funny
[ +375 / -150] I knew this would be BTS ARMY. Freaking immature fandom
[ +315 / -65] What is the problem with this hahahaahahahahahaa BTS didn’t make that name….. This is scary and I don’t know how this is plagiarism; The song is different though right?

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Netizens Discuss Idol Actors That They Actively AVOID Watching

Image: Girls' Generation's Yoona / innisfree

Although some idols have recently been praised for their impressive acting, there is still a negative stigma toward singers who try to act. 
In fact, netizens recently discussed which idol actors they always try to avoid regardless of their project. In addition to their acting ability, many idols have been criticized for having visuals that are subpar for acting, or for just being too distracting and drawing focus away from the drama or movie.
Netizen reactions:
[ +206 / -94] Besides their sucky acting, Yoona, Yuri and Jessica lack visuals for acting
[ +194 / -139] U-Kiss Dongho, Yoona, Yuri, Jessica, L and f(x) Sulli
[ +183 / -102] For female idols: Yoona, Sulli… Their visuals are lacking and their acting.

Fans Defend Red Velvet After Photo Of Inappropriate Wedding Attire Goes VIRAL In Korea

SM Entertainment

After all the criticisms bashing Red Velvet for their inappropriate attire, a number of netizens posted a detailed explanation in support of the singers.
On March 1st, a new post on Pann garnered attention as a fan tried to detail the reasons why Red Velvet, member Irene in particular, wore white and posed right next to the bride at a wedding. According to the post, the photo was a separate shot taken just for staff members of SM Entertainment and was not included in the official pictures of the couple and their guests.
It also added that Red Velvet attended as guests of the groom and were only standing on the bride’s side for the unofficial shot. The post further listed more evidence, including a text message from a guest, showing that the photo in particular was a separate shot with the celebrities only.
The post was published in response to recent criticisms of Red Velvet allegedly not following dress code by wearing white at a wedding.
Netizen reactions:
[ +292 / -58] How would kids who haven’t gone to many weddings know what to dress… Look around if there aren’t anyone wearing white blouses at weddings… It is a common thing… Irene didn’t think she would be featured in main photo
[ +235 / -23] I thought it was weird at first but how is a photo not blurring faces of husband and wife floating around hahahaa This photo was just taken amongst celebrities
[ +221 / -22] I heard this was just a photo amongst members and staffs… I feel bad for Irene who is getting all the blame.

Netizens MOCK Heechul Upon News Of Upcoming Duet With Female Idol

Heechul SNS

SM Entertainment recently announced that they are currently working on a duet for Super Junior‘s Heechul and and undisclosed female singer. 
After hearing the news, however, netizens scoffed at the idea, claiming that the song will be a guaranteed flop because of Heechul’s inferior vocals. In addition to a laughing at the project, netizens further insulted Heechul’s talent, adding that his own solo has already flopped in the past.
Netizen reactions:
[ +395 / -26] Heechul please… mature up.. you’re already 34
[ +279 / -19] Kim Heechul? hahahaahahahahahaha
[ +257 / -23] Don’t do it

G-Friend Shows RESPECT For Their Agency When Asked About “Miracle” Debut And Success

Image: G-Friend's Facebook / Source Music

Rookie girl group G-Friend has often been praised for being so successful despite coming from a small agency. However, when the group was recently asked whether or not they agreed with the notion that their success has been miraculous because of their small agency, the group denied such a claim. Instead, the members thanked their agency Source Music for providing them with adequate training and resources to be successful.

Netizen reactions:

[ +525 / -20] Do you know this? If you look at mid-level agencies, there are many trainees and members that come from wealthy families hahahahahaha There are many parents from professors, cultural influencers, businessmen and doctors hahahahaha So don’t worry about their future and worry about yours
[ +394 / -18] Umji’s father is a dentist
[ +322 / -15] Their CEO was in really high position in SM and JYP

Fans Are In LOVE With GOT7 And BTS’ Cross-Group BROMANCE

Image: GOT7 "Fly" Dance Practice / JYP Entertainment

In addition to both groups being talented idols, GOT7‘s Yugyeom and BTS‘s Jungkookhave also proved to be good friends as well. After seeing a photo of the two 97-line singers showing their friendship, however, netizens explained that the two groups actually get along quite well and that there are many friendships between the members. In addition to the flower boy friendship between Yugyeom and Jungkook, netizens also brought up that GOT7’s JB and BTS’s Jin are also quite close, as are GOT7’s Jackson and BTS’s Rap Monster.
Netizen reactions:
[ +107 / -1] BTS and GOT7 were originally friends. Especially Namjoon and Jackson
[ +63 / -2]  They are neighborhood friends
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[ +58 / 0] It is really good to see GOT7 and BTS

Netizens claim Tzuyu’s face and body are true works of art

Image: Naver Music, YG Entertainment

Although there many beautiful idols and actresses attended the 2016 Korea Cable TV AwardsTWICE‘s Tzuyu visuals definitely stood out. 
In fact, after seeing photos of the JYP Entertainment singer on the red carpet for the awards show, netizens couldn’t stop raving about her elite visuals. Despite still being only 16 years old, Tzuyu showed that both her face and body are among the best in the entertainment industry, causing netizens to claim that the singer’s visuals really are true works of art.
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Netizen reactions:
[+ 825, – 75] If she were Korean she would be way more popular right now she’s so beautiful and her body is a work of art
[+ 678, – 73] The non Korean members are so much prettier than Korean members in this group
[+ 30, – 18] Tzuyu seriously deserves the best

5 Schools With The Most IDOLS


Idols may be singers and celebrities, but the majority of them attend university as well. They even attend some of Korea’s most prestigious universities. See some of the most popular universities idols attend and who knows…maybe you might just consider transferring to Korea.

5. Dongduk Women’s University
Dongduk Women’s University, located in the northern part of Seoul, has been the place of study where many famous idols have graduated from. Idols who have successfully graduated from here include Girl’s Day’s Yura, Dal Shabet’s Serri, Jiyul, and Ah Young, After School’s Jooyeon, and Ivy.

dongduk womens

4. Dongguk University
Girl’s Generation’s Seohyun, SS501’s Jungmin and Hyungjun, 2PM’s Taecyeon, and T-Ara’s Eunjung have all graduated from this university, which is located in the middle of Seoul, the liveliest and perhaps most fun part of Seoul.

 dongguk univ

3. Chung-Ang University 
Located just under the Han River in central Seoul, Chung-Ang University has a beautiful campus, with very notable alumni. Idols who have graduated from here include Girl’s Generation’s Sooyoung and Yuri, f(x)’s Luna, and Big Bang’s Seungri.


2. Seoul Institute of the Arts 
An arts of university is definitely a big stepping stone to becoming idol and the Seoul Institute of the Arts is no different. Notable alumni, such as SHINee’s Jonghyun, EXO’s Luhan, 2PM’s Wooyoung, and the “Nation’s MC” Yoo Jae Suk have studied and successfully graduated from here.

seoul univ of arts
Seoul Institute of the Arts

1. Kyunghee University
The university with the most idol graduates is Kyunghee University, with a majestic campus and highly-regarded alumni. 2AM’s Jo Kwon, Rain, C.N. Blue’s Yonghwa, and all of SG Wannabe had the opportunity to attend and graduate this prestigious university.

kyunghee univ

Lee Jong Suk fails to renew any of his CF deals

Lee Jong Suk

Although Lee Jong Suk is incredibly popular with fans, brands are apparently not as happy with the actor. 
In fact, media outlets recently reported that Lee Jong Suk has failed to renew any of his current modeling contracts, and will soon have zero Korean CFs. Although many netizens blamed his airport controversy for his troubles, some also attributed it to his lack of presence in the Korean entertainment industry due to his domestic hiatus.
Netizen reactions:
[+ 4125, – 195] Is the reporter his anti?
[+ 3565, – 164] I guess the reporter hates Lee Jong Suk
[+ 2522, – 91] Who cares
[+ 638, – 140] Isn’t it obvious why? Doesn’t everyone know about the air port incident? That says it all who would use a rookie who thinks he’s all that?
[+619, – 121] It’s cause of his crap personality. He pushed away a fan who was trying to give him a gift at the airport.